How to use HayMax
HayMax is so easy to use
HayMax is so easy to use. Simply wipe a small amount on your finger (or cotton swab) and rub around the rim of each nostril and/or the eye socket bones of the eyes (not too close or in the eyes). Have a look at the video below to see exactly how to do it. It really is very simple! COVID-19 NOTE: Government advice is that you should avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose. So make sure you wash your hands properly before touching HayMax with your finger after you have touched your mouth, eyes or nose. And/or use a fresh cotton bud or tissue for each application.
Apply first thing in the morning, keep a pot with you and re-apply throughout the day and/or whenever needed. It depends on the pollen count, the temperature and lots of other things can have an effect, but most people seem to find applying 2 or 3 times a day does the trick. Some people apply more often, and some less often. Apply before bed to trap pollen particles that are blown in through your window, or that might have landed on your pillow during the day. If you’re allergic to dust or pets, applying before bed will trap dust mite allergens and pet dander as you sleep.
NOTE: Gently blow your nose if it is running, and wash your face to remove pollen, dust or pet allergens before you apply HayMax. If you wear makeup apply HayMax after putting on your make-up. It doesn’t affect your make-up but you could put a setting spray on first to make absolutely sure it won’t smudge.
The key with any allergy is: Less Allergen = Less Reaction.
Lots of HayMax customers keep one pot by the bed, one in the car and one at work or school (for example). It’s important to keep your HayMax with you so that you can reapply throughout the day when needed.
HayMax has been proven to prevent more than a third of pollen as well as dust and pet allergens from entering the body. It has also been proven to trap all types of pollen. This strongly indicates that it will also trap mould spores and other allergens. Some people believe it also traps virus’s and bacteria and that it has stopped them getting a cold or flu throughout the winter. have a look at our testimonials to see what people say.